Meteorological service for summer harvest

According to the National Agricultural Meteorological Weekly released by CMA on June 23, from June 24 to 29, North and Northeast China would see showers which would be bene...

Mahan wrote that all the great nations in history had possessed great sea power. He said the United States must build up its sea power, too, if it wanted to be a great nati...

Britain wants to expand influence through Asia Pacific 作为域外国家,英国布局亚太地区的意图非常明显,背后也颇有深意。当前,亚太地区正成为全球地缘政治焦点,英国也开始加大在亚太地区的军力部署力度,意在提前布局,抢占先机。同时,英国还希望在“脱欧”后拓展更大...

I would argue that this development is in the best interest of consumers and society.From consumers’perspective,they can save money otherwise used for artificial wants created and manipulated by advertisements.For instance,people who tend to ignor...

8. What the above pictures intend to illustrate is that . 上面的图画意在说明。 9. The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate that . 这幅画旨在说明。 10. The drawing reveals a thought-provoking truth that . 这幅图画揭示了一个发人深省的道理。

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